Services at Booxtory
Soon More With Beta App
We envision a world where storytelling is accessible to all, where parents can bridge the distance with their children through personalized narrations and animations, and where writers can unleash their full creative potential. Booxtory aims to be the leading platform that revolutionizes the way stories are shared, experienced, and cherished, fostering a deep sense of connection and wonder among readers of all ages.
Book Arts
Book Covers
Book Trailers
Interactive Storytelling
Interactive Marketing
How People Can Use the App
At Booxtory, we are committed to delivering exceptional experiences and empowering our users. We combine cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that both novice writers and seasoned authors can easily create, publish, and share their stories. We value privacy and security, safeguarding user data with encrypted storage and upholding confidentiality.
Interactive Storytelling
Kid's Ed Choice
(Best App 2023)
Parents & Children Digest
(Editor's Choice)
Tech Toyz Awards
(Best Design)
Play & Learn Reviewer
(Best UX 2023)